Tuesday 11 September 2018





1.1 UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS:- 4Hrs Unit-Definition-Fundamental Quantities-Definition-Seven fundamental quantities; their SI units and symbol for the units- Supplementary quantities-plane angle and solid angle; their SI units and symbol for the units Derived physical quantities. Dimensional formula for length, mass and time-derivation of dimensional formula for area, volume, density, velocity, momentum, acceleration, force, impulse, work or energy and power. Uses of Dimensional formula. Conventions followed in SI –Units Multiples & sub-multiples and prefixes of units. 

1.2 STATICS:- 9 Hrs Scalar and vector quantities–Definitions and examples–Concurrent forces and coplanar forces–Definition-Resolution of a vector into two perpendicular components -Resultant and equilibrant–Definitions-Parallelogram law of forces - statement Expressions for magnitude and direction of the resultant of two forces acting at a point with an acute angle between them-Lami’s theorem-Statement and explanationExperimental verification of parallelogram law of forces and Lami’s theorem. Simple problems based on expressions for magnitude and direction of resultant. Moment of a force-Clockwise and anti-clockwise moments-Principle of momentsCouple–Torque acting due to a Couple–Experimental determination of mass of the given body using principle of moments.


 2.1 ELASTICITY:- 4 Hrs Elastic and plastic bodies–Definition-stress, strain-Definitions–Hooke’s law – statement-three types of strain–Elastic and plastic limit–Young’s modulus, Bulkmodulus, Rigidity modulus and Poisson’s ratio–Definitions-Uniform and non-uniform bending of beams-Experimental determination of the Young’s modulus of the material of a beam by uniform bending method. Simple problems based on stress, strain and Young’s modulus.

2.2 VISCOSITY:- 5Hrs Viscosity–Definition-Coefficient of viscosity-Definition, SIunit and dimensional formula -Stream line flow, turbulent flow-Explanation-Critical velocity–Definition-Reynolds number-Experimental comparison of coefficient of viscosity of two low viscous liquids –Terminal velocity–Definition-Experimental determination of coefficient of viscosity of a highly viscous liquid by Stokes method–Practical applications of viscosity.

2.3  SURFACE TENSION:- 4Hrs Surface tension & angle of contact-Definitions-Expression for surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method-Experimental determination of surface tension of water by capillary rise method–Practical applications of capillarity. Simple problems based on expression for surface tension.


3.1.STRAIGHTLINE MOTION:- 2 Hrs Introduction-Newton’s Laws of motion-Fundamental Equations of motion for objectshorizontal motion-falling freely-thrown vertically upwards.

3.2  PROJECTILE MOTION:- 4Hrs. Projectile motion, angle of projection, trajectory, maximum height, time of flight, and horizontal range–Definitions-Expressions for maximum height, time of flight and horizontal range–Condition for getting the maximum range of the projectile-Derivation of the equation to show that the trajectory of the projectile is a parabola. Simple problems based on expressions for maximum height, time of flight and horizontal range. 
3.3 CIRCULAR MOTION:- 7Hrs. Circular motion, angular velocity, period and frequency of revolutions–Definitions– Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity–Relation between angular velocity, period and frequency–Normal acceleration, centripetal force and centrifugal force–Definitions–Expressions for normal acceleration and centripetal force. Banking of curved paths–Angle of banking–Definition–Expression for the angle of banking of a curved path. { tanθ= v2/ (r g) }Simple problems based on the expressions for centripetal force and angle of banking.Simple harmonic motion, amplitude, frequency and   period Definitions.


4.1 ROTATIONAL MOTION OF RIGID BODIES:- 6Hrs Rigid body–Definition-Moment of inertia of a particle about an axis, moment of inertia of a rigid body about an axis–expressions–Radius of gyration–Definition– Expression for the kinetic energy of a rotating rigid body about an axis–Angular momentum–Definition –Expression for the angular momentum of a rotating rigid body about an axis–Law of conservation of angular momentum–Examples.

4.2 GRAVITATION:- 3Hrs Newton’s laws of gravitation–Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth– Expression for variation of acceleration due to gravity with altitude

4.3 SATELLITES:- 4Hrs Satellites–Natural and artificial–Escape velocity and orbital velocity–Definitions– Expression for escape velocity–Expression for orbital velocity–Uses of artificial satellites. Simple problems based on the expressions for escape velocity and orbital velocity.


5.1 SOUND:- 8Hrs Wave motion–Introduction and definition–Audiable range-Infrasonic-UltrasonicsProgressive waves, longitudinal and transverse waves–Examples-Amplitude, wave length, period and frequency of a wave–Definitions-Relation between wave length, frequency and velocity of a wave-Stationary or standing waves. Vibrations-Free & forced vibrations and resonance–definitions and examples–Laws of transverse vibrations of a stretched string–Sonometer–Experimental determination of frequency of a tuning fork.Acoustics of buildings–Echo-Reverberation, reverberation time, Sabine’s formula for reverberation time (no derivation) –Coefficient of absorption of sound energy–Noise pollution.Simple problems based on expression for frequency of vibration.

5.2 MAGNETISM:- 5Hrs Pole strength –Definitions–Magnetic moment, intensity of magnetisation, magnetising field intensity, magnetic induction, permeability, hysteresis, saturation, retentivity and coercivity – Definitions - Method of drawing hysteresis loop of a specimen using a solenoid–Uses of Hysteresis loop simple problem based on intensity of magnetization.



1.1  TRANSFER OF HEAT 4Hrs Concept of Heat and Temperature - Centigrade, Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales of temperature measurement- Conduction,convection and radiation - Definitions and explanations-Coefficient of thermal conductivity-Definition and SI unit- good and poor conductors-Examples-Properties of thermal radiation.

1.2 KINETIC THEORY OF GASES 5Hrs Postulates –Mean square velocity and Root Mean Square(RMS)velocity of molecules Definitions and expressions –Expression for the pressure of a gas on the basis of postulates of  kinetic theory of gases - Relation between pressure and kinetic energy, pressure and absolute temperature of the gas–Simple problems based on the expression for the pressure of a gas.

1.3 SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY 4Hrs Specific heat capacity of a substance (solids and liquids) –Definition – Specific heat capacity of a gas at constant volume – Specific heat capacity of a gas at constant pressure– Ratio of specific heat capacities – Explanation for Cp is greater than Cv – Derivation of Mayer’s relation – calculation of Universal gas constant R from the gas equation PV= RT. Simple problems based on Mayer’s relation.


2.1 THERMODYNAMICS 5Hrs First law of thermodynamics – Statement—Isothermal and Adiabatic changes Explanation – Equations for isothermal and adiabatic changes (No derivation) Simple problems based on equations P1V1 = P2V2 and P1V1γ= P2V2γ Second law of thermodynamics – Clausius statement and Kelvin’s statement – Working of Carnot’s reversible engine with indicator diagram and its efficiency.

2.2 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES 5Hrs Critical temperature, critical pressure and critical volume – Definitions – Principle used in cascade process – Cascade process of liquefaction of oxygen – Disadvantages of cascade process -Joule Thomson effect–Temperature of inversion –Liquefaction of air by Linde’s process

2.3 NON–CONVENTIONAL ENERGY 3Hrs Introduction – Non-renewable and Renewable (Alternate) energy sources – Examples – Solar energy, wind energy,–Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.
LIGHT AND REMOTE SENSING 3.1 OPTICS 5Hrs Refraction – Laws of refraction – Refractive index of a medium – Definition – Spectrometer –Derivation of refractive index of glass prism using minimum deviation Experimental determination of refractive index using spectrometer - Fiber optics – Introduction –Phenomenon of total internal reflection –problems using the refractive index .

3.2 LASER 4Hrs LASER – Characteristics of LASER – principle of LASER – Spontaneous emission – Stimulated emission – population inversion – Ruby laser-Construction and working- Uses of LASER. 

3.3 REMOTE SENSING 4Hrs Remote sensing – Introduction – Active and passive remote sensing – Explanation and examples – Components of remote sensing – Data acquisition, data analysis and reference data–RADAR–principle and working with block diagram.


4.1 ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS 4Hrs Ohm’s law – Laws of resistances – Resistivity, Conductivity,Super conductivity and Meissner effect- Definitions – Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws – Condition for balancing the Wheatstone’s bridge .Simple problems based on expression for resistivity.

4.2  EFFECTS OF CURRENT 4Hrs Joule’s law of heating – Experimental determination of specific heat capacity of a liquid using Joule’s calorimeter –Faraday’s laws on electrolysis – Electro chemical equivalent (e.c.e) of an element – Definition – Experimental determination of e.c.e. of copperCapacitance of a capacitor – Definition – ‘ farad ’– Definition– expressions for effective capacitance when capacitors are connected in series and in parallel –Simple problems based on expressions for e.c.e., effective capacitance for series and parallel connections of capacitors.

4.3 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 5Hrs Expression for the force acting on a current carrying straight conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field – Fleming’s Left Hand rule – Expression for the torque experienced by a rectangular current carrying coil placed inside a uniform magnetic field – Working of a moving coil galvanometer andits merits – Conversion of galvanometer into an Ammeter and Voltmeter. Simple problems based on conversion of galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter.


5.1 SEMI CONDUCTORS 4Hrs Semi conductors – Energy bands in solids – Energy band diagram of good conductors, insulators and semi conductors– Concept of Fermi level - Intrinsic semiconductors Concept of holes - Doping – Extrinsic semiconductors – P type and N type semiconductors.

5.2 DIODES AND TRANSISTORS 5Hrs P-N junction diode – Forward bias and reverse bias –Rectification action of diode – Working of full wave rectifier using P N junction diodes -PNP and NPN transistors–Three different configurations–Advantages of common emitter configuration–Working of NPN transistor as an amplifier in common emitter configuration.

5.3 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 4Hrs Digital electronics–Introduction–Logic levels–Basic logic gates: OR, AND , NOT gates– Universal logic gates:NAND and NOR gates– Symbolic representation, Boolean expression and Truth table for all above logic gates–Integrated circuits–Levels of integration– SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI-Advantages of ICs.



1.1Atomic Structure Atom – Definition – Fundamental particles of Atom – their Mass, Charge and Location – Atomic number and Mass number – Definition – Isotopes and Isobars – Definition with suitable examples – Formation of cation and anion by electronic concept of oxidation and reduction – Octet rule – Formation of electrovalent compound (NaCl) – Formation of covalent compound (NH3).

1.2Molecular Mass Molecule – Molecular Formula – Molecular Mass – Mole – Definition – Simple calculations – Avogadro’s Hypothesis – Relationship between Molecular Mass and Vapour Density–Avogadro Number–Definition.

1.3 Acids and Bases Theories of Acids and Bases – Arrhenius Theory – Lowry – Bronsted Theory – Lewis Theory – Advantages of Lewis Theory – pH and pOH – Definition – Numerical problems – Indicator – Definition and Examples only – Buffer solution – Definition – Types of buffer solution with examples – Application of pH in Industries.


2.1 Solutions Definition – Methods of expressing concentration of a solution – Molarity, Molality, Normality, Mole fraction and Percentage Mass – Simple problems.

2.2 Colloids True solution and Colloidal solution – Definition – Differences – Types of colloids – Lyophilic and Lyophobic colloids – Differences – Properties – Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, Electrophoresis and Coagulation – Industrial applications of colloids – Smoke Precipitation by Cottrell’s method, Purification of water, Cleansing action of soap, Tanning of leather andSewage disposal.

2.3 Nano-Particles Definition – Importance of Nano-particles – Area of application – Medicine, ElectronicsandBiomaterials.


3.1 Technology of Water Sources of water – Reasons for depletion of underground water – Rain water harvesting (Basic ideas) – Advantages – Hard water and soft water – Hardness of water – Carbonate and Non-carbonate hardness – Methods of expressing hardness – mg/lit and ppm – Simple problems – Estimation of total hardness of water by EDTA method – Problems involving Total, Carbonate and Non-carbonate hardness in ppm – Softening of hard water – Ion-Exchange method and Reverse Osmosis method – Municipal water supply – Purification (Sedimentation, Filtration and Sterilization) – Disadvantages of using hard water in boilers – Scale formation, Corrosion of boiler metal, Caustic Embrittlement and Priming andFoaming.

3.2 Catalysis Catalyst – Positive catalyst – Negative catalyst – Definition – Types of catalysis – Homogeneous and Heterogeneous – Promoter – Catalyst poison – Definition – Characteristics of a catalyst – Industrial applications of catalysts.

3.3 Glass Definition – Manufacture of Glass – Varieties of Glass – Optical Glass, WindshieldGlassandPhoto chromaticGlass. 


4.1 Electrochemistry Electrolyte – Definition – Strong and Weak electrolytes – Examples – Electrolysis – Definition – Mechanism – Industrial application of Electrolysis – Electroplating – Preparation of surface – Process – Factors affecting the stability of the coating – Chrome plating – Electroless plating – Definition – Advantages of Electroless plating over electroplating – Applications of Electroless plating.

4.2 Electrochemical Cell Electrochemical Cell – Definition – Representation of a Cell – Single Electrode Potential – Definition – Galvanic Cell – Formation of Daniel Cell – Electrochemical Series – Definition and Significance – Electrolytic Concentration Cell–Definition and Formation.

4.3 Energy Sources Primary Battery – Definition and example – Construction, Working and Uses of Dry cell – Secondary Battery – Definition and example – Construction, Working and Uses of Lead-acid Storage Cell – Nonconventional Energy Sources – Solar Cell – Definition – Principle, Construction, Working and Uses.


5.1 Corrosion Definition – Types of Corrosion – Theories of corrosion – Galvanic Cell Formation Theory – Differential Aeration theory – Factors influencing the rate of corrosion.

5.2 Methods of Prevention of Corrosion Control of Environment – Alloying – Surface coatings – Metal coatings – Electroplating, Galvanization and Tinning – Inorganic coating – Anodizing – Cathodic Protection – Sacrificial Anode Method and Impressed Voltage Method.

5.3 Organic Coatings Paint – Definition – Components of Paints and their functions – Varnish – Definition – Preparation of Oil Varnish – Differences between Paint and Varnish – Special Paints – Luminescent Paints, Fire Retardant Paints, Aluminium PaintsandDistemper.

Text Book: 
1. Engineering Chemistry–ITamil Nadu Text Book Corporation 
2. Engineering Chemistry–Jain & Jain–DhanpatRai& Sons. 
3. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry–S.S. Dara–S. ChandPublication. 
Reference Book: 
1. A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control S.S. Dara – S. Chand Publication. 
2. Engineering Chemistry–Uppal–Khanna Publishers. 
3. Chemistry – Higher Secondary – Second Year – Volume I & II – Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation–2014. 
4. Environmental Chemistry–V P Kudesia–Pragati Publishers.



1.1  Air Pollution Pollution and Air pollution – Definition – Air pollutants (SO2, H2S, HF, CO and Dust) – Sources and Harmful effects – Formation of Acid Rain – Harmful effects – Green House Effect – Causes – Global warming – Harmful effects – Ozone Layer – Importance – Causes for Depletion of Ozone Layer (No equations) – Harmful effects of Ozone Layer Depletion –Control of Air Pollution.

1.2  Water Pollution Causes of Water Pollution – Sewage, Effluents, Algae and Microorganisms – Harmful effects –Sewerage – Definition – Sewage Disposal – Industrial Effluents – Harmful effects of Effluents – Harmful effects of Heavy Metal Ions – Lead, Cadmium, Zinc and Copper – Treatment of Effluents–Eutrophication–Definition andharmful effects.

1.3  Solid WasteManagement Solid Waste – Definition – Problems –Types of Solid Waste – Methods of disposal–Land filland Incineration.

1.4  Green Chemistry Definition – Goals of Green Chemistry (Basic ideas) – Recycling – Definition–Examples–Advantagesof Recycling (Basic ideas)


2.1  Fuels Fuel and fossil fuel – Definition – Calorific value – Classification of fuels – Solid fuels – Wood – Coal – Varieties of Coal – Composition – Specific uses – Liquid fuels – Petroleum – Fractional distillation – Fractions and uses – Cracking (Concept only) – Liquid Hydrogen as fuel – Gaseous fuels – Preparation, composition and specific uses of Producer gas and Water gas – Composition and uses of CNG and LPG – Relative advantages of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

2.2  Combustion Definition – Combustion calculation by mass (for solid and liquid fuels) – Combustion calculation by volume (for gaseous fuels) – Stoichiometric calculations – Volume of air required – Excess air – Definition of Flue gas –Flue gas Analysis– Orsat Apparatus–Simple numerical problems.

2.3  Refractories Definition – Requirements of a good Refractory – Classification – Acidic, Basic and Neutral Refractories – Examples and uses – Uses of Fireclay bricks, Alumina bricks and Silica bricks.


3.1Extraction of metals Extraction of Tungsten and Titanium –Uses of Tungsten and Titanium.

3.2 Powdermetallurgy Definition – Preparation of Metal Powder – Atomization – Reduction of Metal Oxide–Applications of Powder Metallurgy. 

3.3 Alloys Definition – Purpose of alloying – Types – Ferrous Alloys – Composition and uses of Stainless Steel, Chromium SteelandVanadium Steel –Nonferrous alloys – Composition and uses of Nichrome,  Dutch metal, German silver,Gun metalandDuralumin. 

3.4Abrasives Definition – Classification – Hardness in Moh’s scale – Natural abrasives – Diamond, Corundum, Emery and Garnet – Synthetic abrasives – Carborundum –Boron carbide–Manufacture–Properties and uses.


4.1 Cement Definition – Manufacture of Portland Cement – Wet Process – Setting of Cement (No equation). 

4.2 Ceramics White pottery – Definition – Manufacture of White pottery – Uses – Definition of glazing– Purpose–Method–Salt glazing. 
4.3 Lubricants Definition – Characteristics of Lubricant – Types of Lubricants – Solid – Semi-solid–Liquid Lubricants. 

4.4Adhesives Definition – Requirements of good adhesives – Natural adhesive – Uses of Shellac, Starch, Asphalt – Synthetic adhesive – Uses of Cellulose Nitrate, PVC,Phenol-formaldehydeand Urea-formaldehyde.


5.1 Plastics Plastics – Definition - Polymerization – Definition – Types of polymerization – Addition polymerization – Formation of Polythene – Condensation polymerization – Formation of Bakelite – Types of plastics – Thermoplastics and Thermoset plastics – Differences – Mechanical properties of plastics – Advantages of plastics over traditional materials (Wood and Metal) –Reinforced or filled plastics – Definition – Advantages – Applications – Polymers in Surgery – Biomaterials – Definition – Biomedical uses of Polyurethane, PVC, Polypropylene andPolyethylene.

5.2 Rubber Definition – Preparation from Latex – Defects of natural rubber– Compounding of rubber – Ingredients and their functions – Vulcanization – Definition and Purpose – Reclaimed rubber – Definition – Process – Properties and uses. 

5.3 Composite materials Definition – Examples – Advantages over metals and polymers – General applications.

Text Book: 
1. Engineering Chemistry–Jain & Jain–DhanpatRai& Sons. 
2. AText Book of Engineering Chemistry–S.S. Dara–S. ChandPublication.
Reference Book: 
1. Chemistry of Engineering Material-C.V. Agarwal, Andranaidu C. Parameswara Moorthy – B.S. Publications. 
2. Engineering Chemistry–Uppal–Khanna Publishers. 
3. A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry–P.L. Soni–S. ChandPublication. 4. Rain Water Harvesting–Hand Book –Chennai Metro Water.

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