Saturday 15 September 2018

Supervisor_Safety(supervisor site EHS)_Syllabus

Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)

  CON/N1403: Enforce adherence to safe work practice at site

Performance criteria

PC1. Confirm that all required signs are posted, and bulletin boards are     maintained in clear and legible condition
PC2. Oversee the implementation of safe work practices at site  PC3. Carry out safety walks/site safety inspections in order to observe the     physical conditions of work and the work practices and procedures followed     by workers
PC4. Check for access to work, fall protection and installation of safety net 
PC5. Ensure adequate safety measures are followed while working at site
PC6. Ensure standards personal protective Equipments (PPE’s) are used at site as     per relevant work
PC7. Ensure health and safety specifications and safe working practices at     locations involving hazardous works
PC8. Encourage workers to identify unsafe or unhealthful workplace conditions or     hazards  
PC9. Make daily observations of employees to ensure that work is performed      safely
PC10. Checking the sub-contractors’ work to ensure compliance with site EHS      policies
PC11. Check proper clearance from EHS department is taken prior to     commencement of any construction work
PC12. Check safety permits such as night work permit, height work permit, hot     work permit in case of welding, cutting, grinding etc. have been taken prior     to commencement of construction work
PC13. Inspect and rectifying any unsafe conditions at the construction site


KA1. Disposal of waste as per organizational and environmental norms
KA2. Statutory compliance requirement related to workmen engagement
KB1. Principles of measurement, geometry and arithmetic KB2. EHS evaluation procedures
KB3. EHS maintenance procedures in case of hazards, accidents and emergencies
KB4. Types of EHS hazards associated with workplace and handling procedures
KB5. Limits of responsibility for identifying site accidents or injuries

Professional Skill

Decision Making

SB1. Estimate required material and resources for work
SB2. Decide alternate course of action in case of hindrance to work
SB3. Determine whether unprotected openings in floors, edges, slabs, hatchways      and stairways are adequately guarded, fenced or barricaded
SB4. Determine whether ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, or other conditions are adequate for work requirement

Plan and Organise

SB5. Plan work & organize required resource in coordination with team members      and superior
SB6. Plan work targets, allocate time schedule to sub-ordinates and organize      completion of task within allocated time

Customer centricity

SB7. Ensure completion of work as per agreed time schedule and quality

Problem solving

SB8. Rectify any hazardous conditions at site

Analytical Thinking

SB9. Identify potential hazards at site

Critical Thinking

SB10. Assess complexity of the tasks and provide guidance for carrying out      corrective action as per requirement
SB11. Identify and assess how violation of any safety norms may lead to accident

2.  CON/N1404: Conduct orientation and EHS based training of manpower at construction site

PC1. Provide new-employee health and safety orientations and training 
PC2. Conduct safety training and demonstrate the use of safety equipment
PC3. Train workers about hazards, methods to prevent harm, and the EHS     standards that apply to the workplace so they can perform their work safely
PC4. Train workers on the proper safety procedures to follow, including the use     of additional safeguards such as machine guards and personal protective     Equipments
PC5. Carry out special tool box talks which require discussion on highly critical     safety related matters, hazardous site conditions pertaining to particular     work etc.
PC6. Provide EHS awareness training for common environmental permits     requirements and safety and environmental hazards ensuring safe waste     disposal and housekeeping at site
PC7. Keep records of training indicating the names, identity numbers and job     description of trainees etc.
PC8. Conduct hygiene training programs, such as noise surveys, continuous     atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys, or asbestos management plan

KA1. Standard practices for site EHS maintenance works
KA2. Personal protection including the use of related safety gears & Equipments
KA3. Statutory compliance requirement related to working at height
KA4. Disposal of waste as per organizational and environmental norms
KA5. Statutory compliance requirement related to workmen engagement

KB1. Work scope to be provided to the workers based on their expertise
KB2. EHS evaluation procedures
KB3. Precautions and measures in maintaining site EHS procedures
KB4. How to develop new employee health and safety orientations  
KB5. Content of EHS awareness training programs 
KB6. Record keeping of trainees 
KB7. How to conduct hygiene training programs 
KB8. Technical inputs for special tool box talk
KB9. Precautions for hazardous working conditions

Professional Skill

Decision Making 

SB1. Estimate required material and resources for work
SB2. Decide alternate course of action in case of hindrance to work
SB3. Determine the content of training program basis the audience
SB4. Determine whether tools and equipment used in the demonstration are

Plan and Organise

SB5. Plan work & organize required resource in coordination with team members      and superior
SB6. Plan work targets, allocate time schedule to sub-ordinates and organize      completion of task within allocated time

Customer centricity

SB7. Ensure completion of work as per agreed time schedule and quality

Problem solving

SB8. Rectify any hazardous conditions at site

Analytical Thinking

SB9. Identify potential hazards at site

Critical Thinking

SB10. Assess complexity of the tasks and provide guidance for carrying out      corrective action as per requirement
SB11. Identify and assess how violation of any safety norms may lead to accidents

3.  CON/N1405:  Prevent unsafe condition of site environment and labour camps

PC1. Maintain emergency response plans or procedures
PC2. Collect and evaluate samples of hazardous materials for identification of     hazard
PC3. Oversee disposal of hazardous materials or hazardous wastes to ensure that     materials are handled and disposed properly
PC4. Ensure all unprotected openings in floors, edges, slabs, hatchways and     stairways are adequately guarded, fenced or barricaded or that similar means     are used to safeguard any person from falling through such openings
PC5. Evaluate the adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, or other     conditions that could affect employee health, comfort, or performance
PC6. Deal promptly with accidental breakages and spillages PC7. Carry out checks for site environment to monitor levels of dust, air pollution,     noise pollution, etc. and initiate necessary corrections to tackle adverse site     and camp conditions

KA1. Standard practices for site EHS maintenance works
KA2. Personal protection including the use of related safety gears & Equipments
KA3. Service request procedures for tools, materials and Equipments
KA4. Statutory compliance requirement related to working at height
KA5. Statutory compliance requirement related to workmen engagement
KB1. EHS evaluation procedures
KB2. EHS maintenance procedures in case of hazards, accidents and emergencies
KB3. Types of EHS hazards associated with workplace and handling procedures
KB4. Limits of responsibility for identifying site accidents or injuries
KB5. EHS maintenance procedures in case of hazards, accidents and emergencies
KB6. How to maintain emergency resource plans
KB7. Maintenance procedures of hazardous materials 
KB8. How to develop medical monitoring programs for employees KB9. How to deal with hazards and accidents at a construction site
KB10. Tolerance levels for site environment to monitor levels of dust, air pollution,     noise pollution, etc.

Professional Skill

Decision Making 

SB1. Estimate required material and resources for work
SB2. Decide alternate course of action in case of hindrance to work
SB3. Determine whether unprotected openings in floors, edges, slabs, hatchways      and stairways are adequately guarded, fenced or barricaded
SB4. Determine whether ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, or other conditions are adequate for work requirements

Plan and Organise

SB5. Plan work & organize required resource in coordination with team members      and superior
SB6. Plan work targets, allocate time schedule to sub-ordinates and organize      completion of task within allocated time

Customer centricity

SB7. Ensure completion of work as per agreed time schedule and quality

Problem solving

SB8. Rectify any hazardous conditions at site

Analytical Thinking

SB9. Identify potential hazards at site

Critical Thinking

SB10. Assess complexity of the tasks and provide guidance for carrying out      corrective action as per requirement

SB11. Identify and assess how violation of any safety norms may lead to accident

4.  CON/N1406:  Investigate and report on safety relevant concerns  at construction site

PC1. Report and document all accidents at site even those not involving any injury     within specified time
PC2. Investigate all accidents and near-misses and to recommend the preventive     measures so as to ensure non-occurrence of such cases
PC3. Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention equipment,     safety equipment, or first-aid supplies 
PC4. Investigate site accidents to identify causes or to determine how such     accidents might be prevented in the future
PC5. Identify unsafe act or unsafe condition of work PC6. Provide recommendations for corrective action in case of unsafe act/condition
PC7. Investigate and report any complaints related to t employee's health or safety     on the site
PC8. Report uncorrected imminent dangers 
PC9. Ensure that necessary first aid support is available on site

PC10. Take suitable and sufficient steps in the event of a fall by any person and the     fall arrest equipment or the surrounding environment does not cause injury to     the person
PC11. Notify concerned authority in case of injury or fire, explosion, fatality, or     other serious incident
PC12. Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous     work methods, processes, or materials
PC13. Carry out preventive EHS protocol, basis analysis of Near Miss accident data,     to minimize EHS accidents

KA2. Safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools,             equipment and materials
KA3. Personal protection including the use of related safety gears & Equipments
KA4. Service request procedures for tools, materials and Equipments
KA5. Statutory compliance requirement related to working at height
KA6. Statutory compliance requirement related to workmen engagement

KB1. Principles of measurement, geometry and arithmetic
KB2. EHS evaluation procedures
KB3. EHS maintenance procedures in case of hazards, accidents and emergencies
KB4. Types of EHS hazards associated with workplace and handling procedures
KB5. Limits of responsibility for identifying site accidents or injuries
KB6. Data analysis for EHS Near Miss cases on site
KB7. Basic first aid requirements

Professional skill

Decision Making
SB1. Estimate required material and resources for work
SB2. Decide alternate course of action in case of hindrance to work
SB3. Determine whether necessary first aid support is available at site

Plan and Organise

SB4. Plan work & organize required resource in coordination with team members      and superior
SB5. Plan work targets, allocate time schedule to sub-ordinates and organize      completion of task within allocated time

Customer centricity

SB6. Ensure completion of work as per agreed time schedule and quality

Problem solving

SB7. Rectify any hazardous conditions at site

Analytical Thinking

SB8. Identify potential hazards at site
Critical Thinking
SB9. Assess complexity of the tasks and provide guidance for carrying out      corrective action as per requirement
SB10. Identify and assess how violation of any safety norms may lead to accidents for optimizing resource utilization
SB9. Assess which situations would require intervention of superiors 

5.  CON/N8003: Supervise, monitor and evaluate performance of subordinates at workplace

PC1. Fix expected targets for the respective gang as per site requirements        and allocate work to subordinates
PC2. Establish expected performance standards and expectations for the      respective gang of workers to meet the desired outcomes
PC3. Inspect assigned work to the respected gang of workers through progressive      checking
PC4. Observe and verify the work activities performed by the subordinates at the                 construction site
PC5. Monitor overall performance of subordinates on the designed measures to        ensure quality requirements set by the concerned authority 
PC6. Ensure adherence to the organizational policies and procedures for all        relevant construction activities by the workmen subordinations

KA1. Policies, procedures and work targets for performance evaluation and          appraisals 
KA2. Organizational policies, procedures and protocol for smooth completion of      work at the respective workplace

KB1. How to complete work/task accurately by following standard specifications      and procedures by optimized and correct used of materials, tools, tackles      and equipment

Professional skill

Decision Making 

SB1. Rectify errors, select workman according to the performance and carry out      appropriate allocation of task     SB2. Motivate the subordinate for better quality work
Plan and Organize

SB3. Plan work as per right sequence and organize required resources in      coordination with the team members

Customer centricity

SB4. Complete work as per the requirement

Problem solving

SB5. Solve any anomalies in work processes, critical problems & cause for delays      at workplace 

Analytical Thinking

SB6. Sort workers activities in order of sequence and

Importance workers

SB7. Identify root cause and effects of workers conflicts at workplace

Critical Thinking

SB8. Evaluate and find solutions to minimize errors and suggest improvements

6.  CON/N9002: Manage workplace for safe and healthy work environment  

PC1. Ensure proper housekeeping at workplace
PC2. Implement safe handling, stacking methods at workplace / store
PC3. Ensure that health and safety plan is followed by all subordinates
PC4. Identify any hazard in workplace and notify them to appropriate authority
PC5. Ensure that all safety and protection installation are correctly placed & adequate
PC6. Ensure safe access is available at work place for movement of workers & materials
PC7. Ensure safe use of tools and tackles by the workmen as per applicability
PC8. Ensure appropriate use of following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)    as per applicability: 
 Head Protection (Helmets)
 Ear Protection
 Fall Protection
 Foot Protection
 Face and Eye Protection,
 Hand &Body Protection 
 Respiratory Protection 
PC9. Maintain entrances & exit from confined spaces, excavated pits and other location in concurrence with safety parameters or instruction form safety personals  
PC10. Ensure organizational policies and procedures are followed for health, safety and welfare, in relation to: 
 Methods of receiving or sourcing information
 dealing with accidents and emergencies associated with the work and environment
 reporting
 stooping work
 Evacuation
 Fire risks and safe exit procedures
PC11. Follow procedures for accident recording and reporting as per organizational and statuary requirements
PC12. Ensure effective adherence to response to emergency procedures / protocols 
PC13. Report any case of emergency / risks to the concern people at the construction site 
PC14. Report any perceived risk hazards to the superiors / concerned EHS 
PC15. Demonstrate the use of fire protection Equipments for different type of fire hazard
PC16. Implement control measures to reduce risk & meet legal requirement as per organizational policies

KA1. The policies, procedures and protocol set up by the EHS Department With respect to Health, Safety and Environment at the respective construction site
KA2. Reporting procedures in cases of breaches or hazards in site safety, accidents or emergency situations 
KA3. Safe working practices for tools, tackles and equipment KA4. Workplace policies and health and safety requirements for dealing with              potential risks as defined by the EHS department

KB1. How to respond to accidents & emergencies
KB2. The appropriate personal protective equipment to be used based on various working conditions 
KB3. How to use necessary material, tools, tackles and equipment in a safe and appropriate manner as specified by site EHS for each level and respective workman gang
KB4. How to monitor working in workplace keeping safety & health in mind

Professional Skill

Decision Making
SB1. Decide upon the appropriate application & installation of safety Equipments like barricades and nets
SB2. Decide upon the tools box talk’s contents

Plan and Organise

SB3. Identify any hazards in workplace organize safety Equipments prior to commencing work
Customer centricity

SB4. Work to ensure safe and healthy environmental conditions at workplace 

Problem solving

SB5. identify  analysis & report  hazards, accidents, health and safety risks, etc. or seek help from the appropriate authorities to address the same as per the guidelines laid down by site EHS

Analytical Thinking

SB6. Analyse areas of work which are potential safety hazards and could result   in damage to life or property for the respective gang at the construction site

Critical Thinking

SB7. Respond to critical health risks or accidents on an urgent basis through appropriate actions

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